Pearls & You

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Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Colored Pearls:Real or Artificial

Ever since my last blog,I have many a  people come and ask me whether coloured pearls are real or natural pearls?So I thought that this would make  an interesting topic for my next blog.The natural color of a pearl is a result of  a combination of several factors. The main color of  a pearl is its  body color. This body color  can be white, silver, cream-colored, gold, green, blue, or even black. Like the color of a baby depends on the parental heritage ,the color of a pearl is  determined by the type of oyster or mollusk that produces the pearl (certain types of oysters generally produce pearls of certain colors), as well as the conditions of the water. At times the type of nucleus  implanted in the oyster also  stimulates the pearl's creation.

You would be surprised  to know that some of the rarest pearls are coloured. Black pearls sourced from the Black Lip Oyster is an example of the same, A simple strand of black pearls can cost in upwards of Rs. 1 lakh. They are so gorgeous, and ooze beauty and class

It is important to know   many pearls are artificially colored. This is widely practiced incase of  freshwater pearls. The colors are artificially infused by a treatment known as dyeing, or by subjecting the pearls to irradiation. The point to be noted in this case is that these  pearls are absolutely real and natural only their color is artificial.
The demand for coloured pearls have created a market and a supply of beautiful pearls. This also allows jewelers like us to create an  exquisite and fashionable pearl jewellery with different colours to suit your moods. However you must always be careful and buy your pearls from a r jeweler of repute.
Many times I am asked , how does one  distinguish  a real pearl from an artificial bead. It is not hard to do so.The simplest method is to rub the pearl on your front teeth. If it feels grainy, it’s a real pearl, if its smooth, it plastic. Isn’t that simple ? J  Similarly an artificially coloured pearlis also born naturally hence it will also , if it doesn’t you know  it is a coloured bead.

Will await more questions from your end  , would love to answer any questions you might have.

Wishing all my readers a A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year!

See you all soon again in the new year – 2012.Keep smiling.

Warm Regards

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