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Saturday, 24 August 2013

Popular Beauty Habits a woman should try: 1

Do you have good beauty habits? Chandrani Pearls is sharing some necessary beauty habits– how many of these do you do?

Exfoliating is one of those essential beauty habits that everybody knows about, but very few people actually do. It’s just so much effort, right? Not if you get prepared in advance. Leave an exfoliator mitt in your bathroom, and some exfoliating shower gel in the shower. If you make it easy, you’ll do it much more! Just remember that every time you skip exfoliating, you are applying creams and lotions to dead skin. Yep, even those super-expensive ones.


Coconut oil was the beauty product of the moment for quite a while, before the buzz died down. It’s definitely something you should have in your bathroom, though. The most popular way to use it is in the shower, after you’ve turned the water off. Rub it everywhere, and pat dry. Apply extra to any especially dry areas, such as knees, heels or feet. Just be careful that you don’t make your shower too slippery!

Okay, so there are big debates on whether petroleum jelly actually nourishes the skin, or if it just creates a barrier that makes skin feel hydrated. Carrying some in your handbag or pocket is still a great idea, though. It allows you to quickly treat any sore skin before it spreads, and it’s great for soothing sore lips. Use it most nights when it’s hot – you’ll wake up with full, moisturized lips, rather than a mouth like the Sahara.

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